Finding undiscovered growth

HyungJin Lee, manager of the Baring Korea Trust currently manages a total AUM of 0.5 billion USD. He talks about the fund's recent performance and addtionally gives insights into his investment process that is highly driven by the GARP investment philosophy of finding undetected growth and valuation. Managers | 22.03.2013 02:00 Uhr
HyungJin Lee, manager of the Baring Korea Trust.
HyungJin Lee, manager of the Baring Korea Trust.
Archiv-Beitrag: Dieser Artikel ist älter als ein Jahr. Mr. HyungJin Lee you are the fund manager of the Baring Korea Trust (ISIN: GB0000840719). When did you take over the responsibility of managing this fund?

HyungJin Lee: I joined Baring Asset Management as an Investment Manager in late 2004 to take over the responsibility of managing Baring Korea Trust. What is the current size of the fund?

HyungJin Lee: € 221.077.853 (as per 28.02.2013) Do you also manage other funds or mandates?

HyungJin Lee: I am also in charge of various Asian regional funds mutual funds as well as some institutional accounts. What is the total amount of assets you manage currently?

HyungJin Lee: I directly manage about USD500mn in AUM and actively participate in the management of other AUM as well. How long have you been in the business as a fund manager?

HyungJin Lee: Total experience on the buyside is about 10 years. What are the main steps in your investment process and in which area is your competitive edge to add value to investors? HyungJin Lee: We are highly research driven based on a GARP philosophy of finding undiscovered growth and/valuation.  We do extensive bottom up research coupled with top down overlay incorporating quant analysis from Baring Asset Management’s own quant team.  We look for long-term growth dynamics in sectors and stocks and attempt early and meaningful entry. Which benchmark is most relevant and how should investors compare the fund vs. benchmarks or peer groups?

HyungJin Lee: KOSPI is the most relevant benchmark against Baring Korea Trust. Investors should compare the fund against KOSPI as well as other Korea-designated country funds as our main peer group. Which performance did you achieve for the fund YTD and over the past five calendar years in absolute terms and relative to relevant benchmark or other reference indices?

HyungJin Lee: YTD, Baring Korea Trust has underperformed benchmark by about up 7.2% vs. benchmark which gained 8.0 % as of Mar 11 in GBP terms
Please see below for the fund performance in the last 5 calendar years.  The Fund is consistently ranked at the top of the Korea fund peer group in terms.

Click on image to enlarge!
Click on image to enlarge! What motivates you in your job?

HyungJin Lee:

  •    Financial markets are in a way a front row seat to changing times and history.The connections between economic/political change and corporate/stock prices are also the same things that drive the times.
  •    Working with smart people on difficult and complex questions. Which other profession would you have considered apart from becoming a fund manager?

HyungJin Lee: Journalist, political/economic associate professor, cultural blogger, Plutonian despot(?) Many Thanks!

3-year development vs. benchmark

Click on image to enlarge!
Click on image to enlarge!

      AUM (JPY billion)
    Offshore Public Fund  
    Invesco Japanese Equity Advantage Fund 39.6
    Offshore Institutional  
    Offshore Institutional Accounts 18.Jul
    Domestic Public Fund  
    - -
    Domestic Institutional  
    Domestic Institutional Accounts 73.1
    Total 131.5
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